Explain Zooflagellate of Kingdom Protista?

Zooflagellate as the name suggest possess flagella for locomotion. They are uninucleate and are covered by pellicle. They reproduce asexually by binary fission.

It mainly includes trypansoma, leishmania, giardia and trichomonas species.
Trypansoma gambiense was discovered by Fruce. It is also known as parasite of sleeping sickness. It is mainly found in Africa. It is transmitted by blood sucking fly known as tse tse. Antelope is the reserve host. But it is not affected by the parasite. There is no contractile vacuole. The parasite resides in the blood plasma and enters the cerebrospinal fluid and destroys the brain. There is another species of Trypanosoma known as T.rhodesiense. It also causes sleeping sickness like the other species of trypanosoma. It is also transmitted by tse tse fly. Another type of trypanosoma is the cruzi type which leads to chagas disease. It causes fever, anemia and enlargement of lymph. The species of trypanosoma are difficult to detect. This is their presence of property of pleomorphism. They change their shape frequently.

Leishmania donovani leads to black sickness known as Kala azar. It is common in Asia, Africa, and in some parts of America. It is also known as dum dum fever. This disease causing organism is transferred by sand fly. Domestic animals act as a reserve host. It causes enlargement of spleen and liver. Other specieis of leishmania is leishmania tropica which affects the skin. Skin sores are present on hands, feet and face. Later on wounds are formed. Other species is brasillensis. It also causes skin lesions.

Giarda intestinalis
is known as Grand Old Man of Intestine. It occurs in the intestine and named after Prof. Giard of Paris. Food and water are the main pathways of transmission. They are multi flagellate. They lead to disease known as Giardiasis. This is accompanied by diarrhea, discomfort and abdominal pain.

Trichomonas Vaginalis
occurs in the female vagina. It leads to the occurrence of leucorrhoea. It leads to itching, burning sensation and discharge. Sexual intercourse is the reason behind it. It has other sub species named hominis which resides in intestine and cause diarrhea. Sub species campanula is symbiotic and releases an enzyme which dissolves cellulose. This enzyme is called b-glucosidase. It forms glucose from cellulose. Another sub species called blattarum occurs in intestine and also dissolves cellulose.

Category: Kingdom Protista

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