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Those semiconductors in which some impurity atoms are embedded are known as extrinsic semiconductors. Extrinsic semi conductors are basically of two types: 1. P-type semi conductors 2. N-type semi conductors N-type Semi conductors: Let’s take an example of the silicon crystal to understand the concept of N-type semi conductor. We have ...

Doping is the process of adding some impurity atoms in the semi conductor. These impurity atoms are known as dopants. After addition of these dopants some of the properties of the conductors can be changed according to our need. Basic conditions that are required for the ...

Point defect means missing of the atoms in the crystal, from the lattice site. In a crystal atoms all the ions, atoms, and molecules are perfectly arranged in a three dimensional space. If we will study these crystals minutely then we will observe some defects ...

Those semi conductors in which impurities are missing are known as intrinsic semiconductors. The electrical conductivity of the semiconductor depends upon the total no of electrons shifted to the conduction band from the valence band. This phenomenon is called as intrinsic conductivity. The most common examples ...

The cause of electrical conduction in semiconductors is due to the movement of the holes in the valence band and the movement of the electrons in the conduction band. When electric field is applied then as a result the electrons will start moving in the ...

To clarify this concept, let’s consider the crystal structure of any of the semiconductor. Now lets take the example of germanium crystal. In germanium crystal covalent bonding is present between its various atoms. In the diagram shown below the crystal is looking like a two ...

As we know that the forbidden energy gap in case of semiconductors is very small. At the temperature of zero Kelvin no electron will leave the valence band. So, conduction band will remain empty at zero Kelvin. But at room temperature the energy gap of 1eV ...

Metals are good conductors of electricity. Insulators are bad conductors of electricity. Similarly, semiconductor devices are partial conductors of electricity means their conductivity lies between conductors and insulators. Let’s discuss about the Fermi level first. Fermi level is the energy level taken up by an electron ...

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