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It includes all unicellular eukaryotes organisms such as diatom, ciliates, slime moulds, sporozoans etc. They have different types of nutrition. They live in sea and form plankton which may be photosynthetic known as Phytoplankton. In contrast the plankton which are non photosynthetic are known as ...

It includes all prokaryotes organisms such as bacteria, cyanobacteria, mycoplasma etc. These are unicellular organisms which have a different mode of nutrition. They may be aerobic or anaerobic. Cell wall is present and is made of peptidoglycan. Nuclear material is not organized. DNA is uncovered. ...

What is Two Kingdoms Classification? It is defined as a Kingdom Plantae and Kingdom Animalia. Kingdom Plantae included Plants which had cell wall, inorganic crystals, no excretory organs, to make their own food, no locomotion and muscular tissue etc. Kingdom Animalia included animals which have opposite ...

It is defined as a process of giving hierarchy of categories by scientific procedure based on features of organisms and arranging them into different groups. Need for Biological Classification: • To study and include each organism along with its identification and habitat. • To establish the relationship among different organisms ...

It is a specified land area in which land can be used for various purposes. Land is divided into different areas which have different functions. The three main zones are core zone (no human activity), buffer zone (limited human activity) and manipulation zone (several human ...

Zoological Parks are related to wild life which denotes the large & popular animals (tiger, elephant, deer, crocodiles and whales). Wild life is related to animals and their natural habitats. It helps us to maintain ecological balance. It provides several wood products and increase in ...

Herbarium: It is a store house where dried and pressed specimens of plants are placed on sheet in a systematic way of classification. They are basically used for education and research purposes in different institutes. Polythene bags, magazines, blotting papers, sheets, field notebook, glue, labels ...

Taxonomic Hierarchy Categories were also introduced by Linnaeus. They are also known as Linnaean hierarchy. It is defined as sequence of categories in a decreasing or increasing order from kingdom to species and vice versa. Kingdom is the highest rank followed by division, class, order, ...

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