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What is Physics?

The word physics is derived from Geek word ‘fusis’ which means nature. The Sanskrit word ‘Bhautiki’ is used for the study of physical world.

So Physics can be defined as the branch of science which deals with nature and natural phenomena.

Two principles thrusts in the study of Physics are:-
1. Unification which means explaining different physical phenomena by using few laws and concepts.
2. Reductionism which means explaining complex phenomena by breaking them into smaller constituents and studying simpler parts.

Classification Of Physics
Basically its of three types:-
1. Microscopic Physics or Modern Physics which deals with the study of atoms, molecules and other microscopic elements.

2. Macroscopic Physics or Classical Physics which deals with the study of astronomical and other big elements. Branches like mechanics, thermodynamics, optics etc fall under this category.

3. Mesoscopic Physics which deals with the study of hundreds of atoms or molecules.

How is physics related to society, technology and other sciences?

Physics influence our day to day life; all inventions make human life comfortable. The development of telephone, fax, radio, television, computers, internet, transport etc is due to the advancement of physics.

Physics is also related to chemistry, biology, maths and other live sciences as all these sciences use some basic physics laws.