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What is pulse modulation?

The transmission of analog data or speech which is in continuous form is known as pulse modulation.

At some certain levels or points, the wave formation can be seen in a pulse modulation system.

In this synchronizing, pulses are sent with the information related to the signal at different time samples. There are two main categories in which pulse modulation can be divided.

1. Analog pulse modulation
2. Digital pulse modulation

Analog pulse modulation  types Digital pulse modulation types
PAM(Pulse Amplitude Modulation) PCM(Pulse Code Modulation)
PTM(Pulse Time Modulation) PDM(Pulse Delta Modulation)

Analog Pulse modulation: In this the indications of the sample magnitude may or may not be infinitely different.

Digital Pulse Modulation: In this, the indication which is near to the preordained level is sent.