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Describe the method of preparing Transuranic Elements?

When natural element like Uranium (U238) with neutrons having some velocity is bombarded, single neutron is being captured per atom of the element Uranium which gives birth to an element having higher mass number which is known as Transuranic Element. It was discovered in the University of California by G.T. Seaborg.

The following equation describes the above concept:

92U238 +0n1 ——-> 92U239 + γ photon

The above Uranium produced in the equation is more radioactive as compared to the natural Uranium. The new Uranium produced emits beta particle which gives rise to a new element having atomic number 93. This new element having high atomic number does not occur in nature and is known as Neptunium (Np). The equation is described as follows:

92U238 ——- 93Np239 + -1e0

The Neptunium (Np) which is produced in above equation is also radioactive and emits a beta particle which gives a new element having atomic number 94 and which is named as Plutonium (Pu).

93Np239 ——- 94Pu239 + -1e0

Plutonium (Pu) is having half life period of about 24000 years. It is more stable as compared to Uranium (U239) and Neptunium (Np239). This is because U239 has half-life period 23 minutes and Np239 have half-life period 2-3 days only.

In 1952, Seaborg and F.M. McMillan were awarded Chemistry noble Prize for Discovery of Transuranic Elements.

Some of the transuranic elements are: 95 (americium), 96 (curium), 102 (nobelium), 98 (californium), 100 (fermium), 99 (einsteinium).