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What do you mean by Chemical Bonding?

A chemical bonding is an attraction between atoms or molecules and allows the formation of chemical compounds, which contain two or more atoms. It is caused due to redistribution of electrons in the outer shells. The redistributions take place either by the process of electron transformation from one atom to another or by the process of electron sharing amongst themselves. The chemical bonding occurs to make the atom stable. In general, strong chemical bonding is associated with the sharing or transfer of electrons between the participating atoms. It wills acquire the stable noble gas configuration of minimum energy. There are two main types of chemical bonding which are as follows:

a) Ionic bond
b) Covalent bond

Ionic bond:
Chemical bonding associated with transfer of one or more electrons is known as Ionic bonding.

Covalent bond:
Chemical bonding associated with mutual sharing of electrons is known as Covalent bonding.