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Explain the phenomena of polymorphism in organisms?

There is a phenomenon in which the organisms have many forms known as polymorphism. They occur in colonies. The honey has different stages of larva and pupa. The colony has different type of individuals. They are drone, worker and queen respectively. They also occur in termite colony. This polymorphism also occurs in coelenterates. The obelia consists of polyp, medusa and blastostyles. The Portuguese man of war consists of multiple individuals. They help in feeding, protection and reproduction. A green alga known as volvox has around fifty thousand cells. Most of them have flagella which help in the locomotion. Some of the cells help in the other functions. Some of the cells do not play any role. Some of the plants like sweet pea show sexual dimorphism. This helps to increase efficiency and to adapt to the environment. It helps certain organism like physalia to feed on organisms like fish.
There are different varieties and tribes in the species. The varieties differ drastically in the same species. It includes cauliflower and cabbage. There are human tribes which reside in the same geographical area. It includes Zulu and watusi. The Zulu members are short in height and the watusi members are long in height. There are different human races. It includes Negroid, mongoloid, American Indian, Australoid and Polynesian. They have different morphology, pigmentation and body structure. This differentiation has been mainly attributed to the geographical barriers. The inbreeding has lead to decrease in differentiation. The Negroid have dark skin, flat nose, black hair and thick lips. They occur in Africa and pacific islands. The mongloid occur in different parts of Asia. Their skin is brown. They have brown eyes. They have thin lips and have little body hair. They have eye folds. The Caucasoid occur in Europe, Asia and Africa. They also occur in India. Their skin is light to dark. They have dark eyes. They have medium to thin lips and have abundant body hair. They have no eye folds. Their nose is long and narrow.
There are many breeds of other plant and animals. It includes dogs, cows, apples and wheat etc. The different breeds can inter breed. The different population belonging to the two different species resemble in form and function. They show no interbreeding.
The species consists of group of organisms which resemble each other. They resemble in morphology, function and behavior. They differ from other organisms and they inter breed with each other. They give rise to fertile off springs and have a common ancestry. They do not breed with the organisms of other group.