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Explain the competitive interaction?

The competitive interaction is also known as the competition. It is defined as a rivalry between the organisms for the same resources. It can be intraspecific or interspecific. The intraspecific competition occurs among the members of same species. It is done to obtain food, mate or territory. It occurs in the sparrows and white lizards. The sparrows fight for a shelter and the white lizards fight to catch insects. When the food is less the intraspecific competition becomes severe. In the interspecific competition the members of different species are involved. There is a competition in plants for water, food and minerals. For example, if there are number of seeds in a particular area. Some of them survive and germinate later on. However, some of the seeds are not able to survive and die. There is an intense competition between them. They need space, shade, water and minerals. The competition is avoided by the seed dispersal. There are certain plants in the deserts which do not allow the seed germination. They secrete the chemicals in their roots. These types of competitions help to maintain the ecological balance between the individuals and resources.