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What Is Vegetative And Asexual Reproduction In Kingdom Fungi?

Vegetative reproduction involves fragmentation, fission, budding and sclerotia. In fragmentation mycelia break into different parts by injury or decay. Budding involves yeast. The main cell produces a protrusion which grows into a bud and forms a new individual. In fission, single cell divides into two daughter cells. Sclerotia are bodies of hyphae and survive under favorable condition. Rhizomorphs are rope like masses of hyphae with a particular growing point. They also go through dormant stages during unfavorable condition.

Asexual reproduction occurs by spore formation.
They can get dispersed and can be separated from the main organism. They can be motile, non motile, thin or thick walled. Spores which are formed as a result of meiosis are known as meiospores. Meiospores are also known as sexually produced spores. Other spores are asexually produced known as mitospores. They have the same set of chromosomes as their parent cells. On the other hand meiospores are different from their parent cells and show genetic variation.