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Explain the role of winds in the ecosystem?

The ecosystem is affected by the winds also. The winds are also known as air currents. The most of gymnosperms are pollinated by the wind and this phenomenon is known as anemophily. The wind also helps in the dispersal of seeds, fruits, cysts and many animals. The flight animals are very few in the areas which have high speed winds. It has the wingless insects. The winged insects are absent in this area. A few birds form a very strong nest which allows the birds to survive in the high wind area. The rocks and stones are the main areas where the nests are build. The flag tress is formed by the unidirectional winds. The flag tress has branches on the single side. They have strong roots which are flexible and are spreading. The transpiration is increased by the wind. The weather conditions are determined by the air currents.
The soil erosion occurs in dry areas. The deserts are formed by the movement of sand particles to the fertile areas. The humidity consists of water vapor content in the atmosphere. It regulates the formation of cloud, dew and fog. The epiphytes survive in the humid areas. The process of transpiration and perspiration in which there occurs an evaporation of water body is regulated by the humidity. The organisms develop some modification in their body so that they can prevent the water loss from body. It occurs mainly in the arid areas. The precipitation occurs as a rainfall, dew and hail. The amount of rainfall determines the type of forests in a particular area. It includes evergreen, deciduous, temperate and deserts. The animals modify according to it. The water requirements of the plants are met in soil. The water requirements of the animals are met in lakes, ponds and rivers. The availability of water and its ability to conserve it leads to the modification among plants and animals. The xerophytes are the plants which occur in the dry area. They make certain changes in their body which allows them to decrease the transpiration and increase the absorption of water. There are some animals which are present in the dry area and do not drink water. It includes the kangaroo and rat. They utilize the water from food and its ability to get metabolized. They also produce the solid feces and urine. The aquatic habitat consists of the large amount of water. The plants which occur in this area are referred as hydrophytes. They have a unique parenchyma which stores the air and helps them to survive in water. They are known as the aerenchyma. The salt content, water and the speed of water waves determine the growth of plant and animals. The animals feed on the organic matter in river and streams. The producers are mainly in large in number. The organisms living in the fresh water have a large amount of internal water which may lead to the endosmosis. The organisms living in the sea water or ocean have a small amount of internal water which may lead to the exosmosis. Some of the organisms have the ability to excrete salts which are large in quantity. In the deep oceans producers are not present. They are absent at nearly 200 meter in the ocean. It consists of consumers. The animals do not have air sacs which are luminescent. The distribution of organisms is affected by the water currents. They may occur in stream and intertidal areas. The streams support the attached plants. Their leaves are ribbon shaped. The animals which occur in the streams are very good swimmers and have attached organs. They may reside under the stone, burrows and cervices. In the intertidal areas the sessile animals, attached plants and burrowing animals are also found. They are also very good swimmers. The animals have the ability to change their color, texture and form according to the surroundings. It’s their ability to camouflage so that they cannot easily identified by the predator and in other cases they can easily hunt a prey. The color of tree and soil resembles that of elephant and the rhinoceros. There are the sand colored animals which include the camels. The praying mantis and frog are green in color. The jelly fishes are glassy in appearance. The chameleon has the ability to change the color according to background. The surface behavior of earth is referred as topography. It includes the altitude, slope, valley and plains. The topography has also effect on the winds, rainfalls, environmental factors, and light, temperature and water currents. The isolation, formation of new species and distribution of the organisms are governed by these factors. There are different types of flora and fauna which occur in the north and south part of earth. These differences occur due to change the change in humidity, light conditions and temperature. As the different amount of sunlight and wind current is received in the different areas. The centre and edge of the pond has different depths of water and wave actions. There are different sides of rocks which are referred as a top side and the underside. The top side of rock receives more of wave action and the light, while the underside of rock receives less of wave action and the light. So, the different areas have different species of organism. The nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere. It makes around 80 percent of the total gases. It is an inert gas. It goes through the process of electrochemical, photochemical and nitrogen fixation to form salts. The process of photosynthesis is controlled by the presence of carbon dioxide. The excess of this gas has many side effects on the climate and organisms. Its concentration increase in the night time and decreases during the day time. It may also occur as bicarbonate and carbonate ions. The concentration of oxygen may be optimal or supra optimal or suboptimal. The optimal concentration of oxygen occurs in the C4 plants and the supra optimal concentration of oxygen occurs in the C3 plants. The oxygen concentration in the water determines the distribution of organisms. The photosynthesis increases the oxygen concentration in the middle stratum. Its concentration decreases during the night. Its concentration depends upon the population, pollution and decomposition. The deep water animals also have the low concentration of oxygen. The soil helps to know about the vegetative growth, flora and fauna, temperature range and origin of organisms and minerals. The soil present on the slopes can be easily eroded by water and air. The ph denotes to the hydrogen ion concentration. In oceans the ph is static. The land animals are not much affected by the fluctuations in the ph. The ph of soil plays a very critical role in the distribution of organisms. The acidic soil does not contain the earthworm and snails. It may contain the euglena and other flagellates. The alkaline and the neutral medium are rich in the organisms which have calcareous shells. There are a large number of minerals which are referred as biogenic nutrients. These are required by the organisms for growth. The absence of any of these minerals may lead to the improper growth leading to the death. The excess of minerals may lead to the hazardous effects. There are some tolerant species which requires minerals and lead to the growth. The soils are rich in calcium and contain snails. There are soils which are deficient in the nitrogen salts which helps in the nitrogen fixation by these bacteria. They also contain Cyanobacteria. There are plants which show symbiotic relationships with the bacteria which occur in soil. There are specific carnivorous plants which fulfills their requirement of nitrogen. It is done by the catching of insects and worms. The salt secreting glands of animals help to overcome the salinity of ocean. There are also some unique glands which occur in the plants which reside in the salt rich areas. These plants are also known as the halophytes. There are certain areas which show a change in the salt content and the animals can adapt according to it. The areas with the high salt content have almost no vegetation. It includes the Dead Sea and Great Salt Lake.