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Write a short note on the matter and energy of biosphere

The matter is defined as something which has weight and occupies some space. They may be plant, animals, stone, brick, pond, river etc. The objects with matter are referred as materials. The matter exists almost everywhere in this world. They are composed of atoms and molecules. They are not static and depending upon their mobility they can be solid, liquid or in gas form. They change in different forms depending upon the changes in temperature and pressure. The water is in solid state when the temperature is below 0 degree Celsius. It changes into the liquid form when the temperature rises above 0 degree Celsius. When the conditions do not change the matter cannot be formed and neither be destroyed. They can be changed by the process of fusion and fission. These changes occur in the nuclear bomb and nuclear reactor. The matter and energy are interchangeable. They occur in aggregated form. The energy is defined as the ability to do some work. Almost all the daily activities of humans require energy. The energy occurs in multiple forms and the one form of energy can be converted into the other form. The eyes and ear can also felt some form of energy as light and sound respectively. The receptors present in skin can also feel the heat.

There are a lot of differences between the matter and energy. The matter has a mass and volume. It occupies space and can give rise to multiple structures. It can be seen, smelled or tasted. On the other hand the energy has no mass and volume. It does not occupy a space and cannot give rise to multiple structures. It cannot be seen, smelled or tasted. It can be only felt.