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What are Water Problems?

The cutting of trees in the hilly areas has lead to decrease in the absorption of water. The increase in soil erosions and the aggregation of water during rainy seasons causes water logging. At few occasions the water is very little. The large amount of water in the urban as well as industrial area leads to its misuse. It is also very difficult to dispose such a large amount of water. However, there are few industries which require a large amount of water. In a today’s society an average human can drink 500 liters of water a day. It is difficult to obtain the water in a pure form. It dissolves the gases and other solid substances. The rain water is the purest form of natural water. It may contain acids due to the presence of fossil fuels and the dissolution of nitrogen and sulphur oxides. The industrial activities also play an important role in it. This acid rain has an adverse effect on the plants and animals. The water goes into the soil and dissolves a number of salts. It includes the chlorides, carbonates and sulphates of various metals. They form the ground water. When this water is evaporated the surface becomes rich in salt. It gives rise to salinity of soil. They lead to the hardness of water. The life of utensils, heaters and boilers decreases due to the hard water. They have a salt content more than 3.5 gram per liter. The concentration of salt less than 3.5 gram per liter is safe. The water should be conserved. The used water must be treated before it is pushed into the rivers. The water should be use in the economic ways in industries and homes and should be supported by the sprinkler techniques. The water should be stored in the tanks and ponds. The dams should also be built to store the water. It can be used in the dry season. The planting of trees in hills and slopes increase the availability of water. The raw sewage and the industrial affluent should not be passed into the water bodies.