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What are Biotic Resources?

These are also known as the living resources. These are the renewable resources and include the plants and animals. The foods, sugars, tea, coffee, medicines are obtained from the plants. The timber is obtained from the tress and is used for the construction, furniture, ships, poles and radio. The wood pulp forms different types of paper. The gums, wool, acetic acid, alcohol, and dry fruits are obtained from the trees. They also provide the shelter and food to the other organisms. They also provide oxygen and affect the weather of a particular area. The plants present on the land and are classified as a forests, croplands, shrubs and grassland. The vegetation affects the soil by preventing soil erosion. The humus is formed by the decayed leaves which provide nutrition to the soil. The spread of deserts is also checked by the plants. In a year the annual production of biomass produced by the marine plants is three hundred twenty five million tones. The total production of biomass is three hundred eighty million tones. The humans mostly depend on the land vegetation for survival. The earth has around 4 million species of plants and a few of them are edible. The conservation of plants must be done. The pollution in the environment, deforestation, overgrazing, and the formation of cropland causes an adverse effect on the growth of plants. Some of the species of plants get endangered. So, there should be a check on the activities of human. The use of marine plants is multipurpose. The humans must explore the plants and which act as a source of food. The role of animals in the biotic environment is very crucial. They act as a food for the man. The food is provided by the prawns, fish, goat, sheep, and pig and honey Bess. Some of them are used as a mode of transport. They include the camel, horse, asses, horses and mules. Some of them are used as a mode of agriculture operations. They include the cattle and camel’s .Some of them is used as a scavenger. They include the jackals and pigs. Some of them are used as pearls. They include the mollusks. The animals maintain the ecosystem. The fecal matter of certain animals is used as manure. The deer and elephant provide the musk and ivory. The wax and lac is provided by the honey bees and lac insect. The pollination and dispersal of seeds and fruits is mainly done by the insects. Some animals are used as a laboratory research model like the guinea pigs, rats and rabbits. The diseases of human beings are cured by the secretion of hormones of some mammals. The conservation of animals must be done. The pollution in the environment, deforestation, killing and the poaching of animals causes an adverse effect on the growth of animals. Some of the species of animals get endangered. So, there should be a check on the activities of human. In the coming 25 years around one fourth of the species of animals are going to disappear. The people must be educated regarding the wild life of animals. The micro organisms as the name suggests consists of small organisms which cannot be seen with the help of a naked eye. They are present almost everywhere on the earth. The Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first one to discover them. It consists of the bacteria, protozoa, viruses and fungi. The fungi involve the yeast and moulds. Bacteria are present everywhere. The size of bacteria is not static. It is different for every species. Their size ranges from 0.1 micrometer to 750 micrometer. Bacterial cells vary in shape and they have no definite structure. They can be coccus, bacilli, spirillum, stalked in shape. The fungi are organisms without chlorophyll, have heterotrophic mode of nutrition. They are spore forming, avascular and eukaryotic organism. Their cell wall is made up of chitin. They store their food in the form of glycogen. The fungi form a medicine known as penicillin which is used to treat the bacterial infections. The fungi also acts on the dead organisms and act as a saprophyte. They can create a problem also. The protozoa can act as a harmful as well as beneficial organism. The harmful organisms act to pollute water, decrease the soil fertility and cause certain diseases. They also act as a food for the aquatic animals. The oil deposits are found in association with the skeletal deposits of radiolarian and other organisms. They help to locate the fuel. Almost all the viruses are harmful.