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What is the difference between a salamander and lizard?

There are lot of differences between a salamander and lizard. The salamander is amphibious and has moist skin. They have no scales and have 4 fingers and 5 toes. They have no claws and ear openings. They have a couple of parotid glands which are present behind the ear. They have short limbs and move fastly. The lizards are terrestrial and have rough skin. They have scales and have 5 fingers and 5 toes. They have claws and ear openings. They have no parotid glands. They have long limbs and move by creeping.

The snakes are also known as the creeping reptiles. They have no limbs and ears. They have an elongated body that is covered by scales. The scales are divided into shields and plates. They have no tympanic cavity and ear membrane. They have no or immoveable eyelid. They have no sternum and nictitating membrane. They have no urinary bladder and vocal cords. Their tongue is protrusible and long. They respire by lungs which are non symmetrical. The right one is larger than the left one. The lateral body wall muscles help in the movement of snake. The sound is picked by the body surface and is transmitted to the brain by columella. They have teeth on the upper and lower jaws. The poisonous snake has large teeth present in the upper jaw. These help to bite the person and also have poison glands. The poison glands also have poisonous ducts. It leaves two marks. The non poisonous snake leaves a U shape mark. These marks are very helpful to diagnose the case whether it is poisonous or non poisonous. The smallest snake of India is known as Typhlina. It reproduces by parthenogenesis and has only female forms. The cobra, krait, venom, Russell viper, sea and coral snake are the poisonous snake. The non poisonous snakes are python, rat and tree snake. It also includes pond and double headed snake. There is some venom which acts on nervous system and is known as the neurotoxic venom. It includes cobra, krait and sea snake. There is some venom which acts on red blood cells and is known as the haemolytic venom. It includes the viper. Most of the snakes are non poisonous and nearly one tenth of them are poisonous. The naja naja is also known as cobra. It is also known as nag and occurs in the stones and thick vegetation. It occurs almost in every part of India. It is carnivorous and feeds on other animals. They also show the phenomena of cannibalism. During the moulting it becomes quite weak but after this process it becomes quite fresh. It is oviparous and shows the hibernation. The young ones are more active than the adult. The expansion of the neck forms a hood. When the cobra is aggressive it raises the hood. It is very poisonous and has venom which is used to cure cancer. It also destroys the rats and mice. The python is also known as ajgar. It occurs in forests and is non poisonous. It is large and massive and also occurs in dry and sandy areas. It is oviparous and has a short tail. It is carnivorous and feeds on other animals. It is about 10 meter in length and is the biggest snake in India. It coils around the prey by crushing it and later on swallowing it. Their body has scales. It also has the hind limbs and pelvic girdles.

There are a lot of differences between a lizard and a snake. The lizard has 4 limbs with uniform scales. They have moveable eyelids. They have sternum and nictitating membrane. They have ear openings and a urinary bladder. They have a non protrusible tongue which is not bifid. The lungs are symmetrical. The snakes have no limbs with differentiating scales. They have immoveable eyelids. They have no sternum and nictitating membrane. They have no ear openings and urinary bladder. They have a protrusible tongue which is bifid. The lungs are asymmetrical.

The crocodiles are also known as the mugger. It is carnivorous and feeds on other animals. It is oviparous and lays eggs on the bank. They have a dermal bony plate exoskeleton. Their heart is 4 chambered and has a powerful tail. They act as a predator and have a valuable skin. They occur mainly in the fresh water.

The crocodile occur in Asia, America, Indonesia, Africa and Australia. They are aggressive and have unequal teeth. They have a long and pointed stout with no hump. The alligators are founded in china and America. They are less aggressive and have very unequal teeth. They have a short and broad stout with no hump. The gavialis are found in the India, Burma and Pakistan. Their feed includes only a fish. They have an equal teeth and a long stout. They form a hump during the breeding period.